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Laforêt Nicolas

My projects

Let's have a look!

My portfolio

Wishing to put forward my achievements, my skills and my background, I decided to create my personal portfolio. This site aims to archive the projects that are close to my heart and to put them forward via this portfolio. It is also the place to present myself and learn a little more about me. The implementation of this site is possible thanks to fashionable technologies such as NextJS, React, TailwindCSS and content management tools like Git and Gitlab. The deployment is done using the Vercel platform, creator of the NextJS framework.

NextJS / React / TailwindCSS

Screenshot - Personal portfolio

Complots - Board game

As part of an integration project during my third year of computer science degree, we had to adapt a board game to make an application suitable for both mobile devices and computer screens. I was able to develop the entire mobile version, but wanting to push the creation process as far as possible, I decided to adapt this interface to larger screens. Thanks to the Godot game engine, I was able to put forward my skills in interface creation, but also in software development.

Godot / Mobile / Desktop

Screenshot - Complots - Board game

ADEM - Wordpress theme

During my student years, I had the chance to be a volunteer in the "Amicale Des Étudiants en Mathématiques" (ADEM), I was able to hold several positions in its committee. During my mission of "IT Manager - root", I had the opportunity to design, develop and integrate a Wordpress theme for the association's website. Wordpress allows to run almost half of all websites on the Internet. The Wordpress theme I created is a theme adapted to the needs of the association, which allows to highlight its various activities and events.

Wordpress / Design / Theme

Screenshot - ADEM website